The Best Way to put up Artificial Wreaths & Garland Without Nails

You can complete your holiday décor with artificial wreaths and garlands. However, they can cause permanent holes in your walls, doors, or even mantel if you hang them or place them everywhere in the home.

Looking to style your space with best of ornaments this Christmas? Keep scrolling. You’ll find just how to put up artificial wreaths and garlands without nails.

Hooks with adhesive

Using Command Strips or other adhesive hooks is a great way to hang artificial wreaths and garland. The wreath or garland stays in place with strength while leaving no marks whatsoever. You can remove and reposition if necessary to obtain the desired look. With adhesive hooks, wreaths can be hung on your glass doors or windows or without looking messy.

Prepare the space where you intend to place your wreath and garland by cleaning it thoroughly. You should also place the hooks on the door or wall in accordance with the instructions that came with them. Once the hooks are in place, hang the ornaments right on them.


Wreath Hangers

Your home will feel more welcoming when you display a Christmas wreath.  By using an over-the-door hanger, you can hang the wreath more easily.

Hangers for wreaths fit traditional doors and some feature metal frames to hold heavier wreaths. Your decorating preferences may dictate whether the adjustable ones are best for you– they support wreath displays of different heights.

And yeah, they are easy to use: simply place over your door and then hang the wreath

Decorative Ribbon

A ribbon has multiple uses during the holidays. Besides being decorative, it also helps to display your wreaths. With such a wide selection available, it is easy to find ribbons that suit your preferences. You only need to hit the market and get ready to spend some cash (just a little though).