How to Choose the Best Size of Prelit Artificial Christmas Tree for Your Home

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Size of a Prelit Artificial Christmas Tree

With the holiday season upon us, it’s time to start thinking about decorating for Christmas. First, one of the most important decorations is the Christmas tree. If you’re considering purchasing a prelit artificial Christmas tree, the first thing you need to consider is the size of the tree. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the size of a prelit artificial Christmas tree:

Ceiling Height

The ceiling height of your home should be the first thing to consider when choosing the size of a prelit artificial Christmas tree. Of course, you want to ensure the tree doesn’t touch the ceiling, so you need to measure the height of your roof before you shop for the tree. A good rule of thumb is to leave at least 6-12 inches of space between the top of the tree and the ceiling.

Floor Space

The floor space available in your home is another factor to consider when choosing the size of a prelit artificial Christmas tree. You don’t want to choose a tree that takes up too much floor space and makes it challenging to move around your home. Make sure to measure the area where you plan to put the tree and choose a size that fits comfortably.

Number of Branches

The number of branches on a prelit artificial Christmas tree is another factor to consider when choosing the tree size. The more components a tree has, the fuller it will look. Therefore, if you want a fuller tree, you should select a tree with more branches, but remember that this will also make the tree bigger.

Width of the Tree

The width of the tree is also an essential factor to consider when choosing the size of a prelit artificial Christmas tree. A more expansive tree will take up more floor space, providing more room for ornaments and decorations. If you have a lot of ornaments and decorations, consider choosing a more comprehensive tree.

Type of Tree

Different types of pre-lit artificial Christmas trees come in different sizes. For example, a slim tree will be taller but narrower, while an entire tree will be shorter but broader. Consider the space you have available and the aesthetic you are going for when choosing the type of tree you want.

Benefits of a Prelit Artificial Christmas Tree

Now that you know what factors to consider when choosing the size of a prelit artificial Christmas tree, let’s talk about some of the benefits of using an artificial tree:


Artificial trees can last many years, whereas real trees can only be used once. So investing in a high-quality, prelit artificial Christmas tree can save you money in the long run.


Prelit artificial Christmas trees come with installed lights, so you don’t have to spend time stringing lights on the tree. This makes decorating for Christmas much more convenient and saves you time.

Environmentally Friendly

Using a prelit artificial Christmas tree is more environmentally friendly than a real tree. This is because real trees are cut down yearly, contributing to deforestation. On the other hand, artificial trees can be reused year after year, reducing waste.


Artificial trees are less of a fire hazard than real trees, which can dry out and become highly flammable. Additionally, prelit artificial Christmas trees have safer lights than traditional ones. In conclusion, choosing the right size of prelit artificial Christmas tree is essential for both aesthetic and practical reasons. Consider the height of your ceiling, the floor space available in your home, the number of branches on the tree, the width of the tree, and the type of tree when making your decision. The benefits of using a prelit artificial Christmas tree include longevity, convenience, environmental friendliness, and safety. With these factors in mind, you can choose the perfect pre-lit artificial Christmas tree for your home.